Our PSHE curriculum aims to provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Children are provided with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and what it means to be a positive member of a wider, diverse society and be supported to deal with personal, social and moral issues they may face as they grow up. It aims to give children the knowledge and understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. Children are given opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences to develop their self worth.
Beacon Hill follows the Jigsaw scheme of work. Jigsaw “helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world”. Jigsaw links to our school values of aspiration, courage, respect, resilience, democracy, honesty, kindness, equality and perseverance.
Jigsaw consists of six units:
Being me in my world
Celebrating difference
Dreams and goals
Healthy me
Changing me
Being me in my world links with our values of courage and kindness
Celebrating difference links with our values of respect, democracy and equality
Dreams and goals links with our values of aspiration, courage, resilience and perseverance
Healthy me links with our value of respect
Relationships links with our values of respect, democracy, honesty, kindness and equality.
Changing me links with our values of courage and respect.
There are opportunities for cross curricular links with PE, Science and computing. There may also be opportunities for staff to teach PSHE due to an issue that has arisen. This ensures that the PSHE curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the children at Beacon Hill. The curriculum provides the knowledge and skills for the children to make safe and informed choices.
Our assemblies are linked to PSHE and our weekly celebration assemblies are linked to our school values. Children also gain house points for demonstrating our values.
There are opportunities for assessment at the end of each Jigsaw unit. There may be children who are identified as needed extra support with family relationships, friendships or anxiety. These children are identified through talks with the DSL, SENDCO and Headteacher. The extra support could be provided through the Home/School link worker who works with families and develops family relationships or through our ELSA TA.
Our broad and balanced curriculum strives to empower children to become brave, empathetic, aspirational, creative, optimistic and nurturing.