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Governing Body Information 2023 - 2024

Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please contact via:


Our Governors are:

Grant Barnes Webb  - Vice Chair History/ Curriculum

Type: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  01.10.2022 - 30.09.2026


Richard Bodle - Safeguarding/PHSE/RE

Type: Local Community Governor

Term of Office: 29.09.2022 - 28.09.2026


Angela Raine/ English (Reading and Writing)/Spanish

Type: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office 16.11.2020 - 15.11.2024


Rebecca Neeves


Type: n/a


Doug Wagstaff - Science/Music

Type:  Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  07.02.2022 - 06.02.2026


Kate Berry- Chair


Type:  Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  21.11.22 - 20.11.26


Jerome Davidson - Maths

Type:  Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  21.11.22 -20.11.26


Liz Burton - PE

Type:  Parent Governor

Term of Office:  25.11.22 - 24.11.26


Katharine Hares

Type:  Staff Governor

Term of Office:  13.09.23 - 12.09.27


Mike Ayres

Type:  Parent Governor

Term of Office:  12.10.23 - 11.10.27


Jean Arrick 

Type: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office:  12.10.23 - 11.10.27


One vacancy for a community Governor


Governing Body Attendance at Meetings 2023 to 2024      
Name of Governor         

Katharine Hares




Mike Ayres









Jean Arrick



Jonny Franks (Chair of Governors)



Grant Barnes-Webb



Richard Bodle



Angela Raine


    x  x 

Rebecca Neeves



Doug Wagstaff



Kate Berry




Jerome Davidson



    x xx 

Liz Burton



     x x 

If you wish to see past copies of Minutes of meetings that are not listed above, please contact the School Office and they will be happy to provide this for you.
